Hi there! Please click here for an update from Dennis on recent visits he has made to Australia and Fiji.
Also, some news from Vanuatu. Marius Taren advises that there has been no rain at Rory for the last three months and once again the members are experiencing a severe shortage of food, as their gardens have all dried up. We have sent emergency funds for them to buy some food, but have had to delay sending money to paint the church building and for other projects, as we have well overspent our Vanuatu budget this year. Please continue to pray for rain in Malekula, and for God’s blessing on our people there. If any congregation would like to offer any church funds from your 2018 budget for outreach in Vanuatu, please let me know and we will be able to send them more assistance.
Finally, a piece of interesting trivia. For those who feel our church services are too long, a marathon worship service is currently being held in the Netherlands. It began in October, and has now been going non-stop for 6 weeks, or over 1,000 hours. It’s being held in order to shield a family of asylum seekers from being expelled by authorities. Dutch law prohibits officials from interrupting a religious service. Gerald Waterhouse would have loved this service! If interested, you can read more at https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2018/december/dutch-asylum-worship-service-netherlands-kinderpardon-hague.html
Warm regards to all,